Saturday 17 February 2024

Saturday 17th February

The week just gone was half term. How quickly the days flew by! I could do with another week.

My garden is looking less bedraggled now that my lovely gardener as been and gone. It was well into twilight before she left and noticeably colder, but she wears heavy duty jacket and waterproof over trousers and so I imagine she manages to keep warm. 

During term time she also runs Forest School sessions in local schools. I do think they are so important. Children who have huge difficulty in the classroom are often completely transformed in the Forest School 'classroom '.

My 'Feel better in 5'  book by Dr Rangan Chatterjee, which I go back to when I start feeling a bit down, recommends spending 5 minutes outdoors every day, or standing in the door way, or by an open window. It is quite remarkable what an effect this can have.

I have started reading 'The Crossing Places' by Elli Griffiths. I was resisting getting it - how could it live up to all the hype? - but it was 99p on kindle. I take it all back - I'm completely hooked. 

I've also finished listening to 'Death in Diamonds' on audible by S J Bennett, read by Samantha Bond. I do enjoy the books in which the late Queen Elizabeth solves murder mysteries. The first 3 books were set in modern times, but this one all happens in 1957. I'm hoping for more to come in the series. 

Meanwhile I've downloaded the dramatised reading of Winnie the Pooh with Dame Judi Dench, Jane Horrocks, Stephen Fry and other wonderful actors. It will be a good 'companion listen' for the Andrew Dotchin Lent Course which he publishes daily on his blog.


  1. Forest Schools are brilliant. There should be more.

  2. Our Winnie the Pooh was on cassette and read by Alan Bennett. Back in the 80s it was an essential part of long car journeys with the children!

  3. My son works in a forest school in Italy. such a good idea. I've read a couple of the Queen Investigates books. Not sure if I've read the third; shall have to check!

    1. The fourth 'Quees Investigates' was only published very recently. It's still full price but I had an audible credit so got that version instead.
      I should think forest school in Italy might be warmer and drier than England?!

  4. I think I should get that book by Dr Rangan Chatterjee... altho I am already an advocate of some 'garden time,' I walk around ours most days. It still needs a post winter tidy but we'll do a bit at a time, so won't take long.

    1. I got it several years ago, possibly during lockdown. It's very readable, lots of anecdotes, plenty (!) of photographs of him looking all happy and balanced in yoga poses or whatever, and very sound advice. He has three lists of activities and you pick one item from each list to make a programme to follow. 5 minutes for each item. Yoga, jogging and High Intensity exercise aren't for me but I've adapted some of the other things to be more suitable.
