Sunday 18 February 2024

Sunday 18th February - Wait

Maybe I should take the word 'wait' as my word for the year? Perhaps I just need a word for a season.

I've been trying to remember to take 5 minutes every (most!) days to just sit. To just be still. When I do remember I feel refreshed and ready to carry on with the rest of the day. 

'You don't always have to be doing something. You can just be, and that's enough' is an Alice Wheeler quotation from the book 'Still Alice' by Lisa Genova. 

'I discovered I must keep still and I would be found. God was not the object of my search, I was.'  from Sr Angelica Gutierrez.

Various events this past week (which I have not blogged as they are not all my story to tell) have left Himself and me really, really tired at the end of this week. The important things have all been accomplished, and the rest will keep until tomorrow.

At the times of greatest need, I was grateful for this prayer, written by a member of the Poor Clares, which I learned only a few days ago, easily remembered, and if you can't remember it you can easily make it up;

Dear Lord,

Hear me

Heed me,

Help me,

Hold me,

Hide me,

Hearten me,

Hush me,

And be Heaven to me.

As St Julian of Norwich famously said 'All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.' 

I shall be holding on to these words!



  1. I have always found St Julian's saying so encouraging.

    1. Yes. For many years I carried a hazelnut in my handbag as a reminder of her wisdom.

  2. What a lovely prayer and the school I went to was run by the Poor Clares, it was and still is called St Clares!

  3. Somebody has encouraged me to check out a book of poems called "Julian of Norwich's teabag"....
