Tuesday 13 February 2024

Tuesday 13th February

 I didn't have pancakes today... 

Quite often I save them until the weekend. There's a school of thought that says Sundays are somehow outside Lent, in that one can have that a glass of wine or whatever it is you are giving up, or taking up, to observe Lent. I'm not sure I fully subscribe to this, but I'm also not sure I want to get too bogged down.

A bright spot in an otherwise cold, grey, damp and miserable day was the beginning of the annual Lent course created by Rev Andrew Dotchin. I get the day's instalment delivered to my email inbox, but you can also find it on his blog

This year he is using the Winnie-the-Pooh books;

His daily emails/posts are challenging but relatable. 

I've downloaded 'The Unknown Ajax' by Geogette Heyer, on offer for 99p on kindle. Hardly 'literature' or 'spiritual reading', but between getting the Powers of Attorney ready for signing and various other fairly taxing chores, it's about all I'm fit for today.

I've just got to complete today's Lent 'to-do' suggestion from Andrew Dotchin and I'm all done for the day.

I had hunny on toast and a bit of cheese for my tea. Excellent. 


  1. Hunny on toast is often my breakfast. Could you put a link to Andrew Dotchin's writings please. The one you have doesnt work.

    1. Try this one; https://suffolkvicarhomes.com/2024/02/12/hunny-40-days-in-the-100-aker-wood-shrove-tuesday/

  2. Many thanks again for introducing your followers to Andrew Dotchin's Lent writings. I remain on his list from previous years and so have already begun with him for this season. Our Lenten study group in my congregation are reading something much more serious, concerned with the very different ways of living our faith in our national denomination here in Canada. Pooh will be such a lovely counterbalance, and I have "Winnie the Pooh", a hardcover gift from my mother when I was about 4, with that very map - looking at the book now. Thank you again.

    1. There's also a perfect audio recording with Stephen Fry, Jane Horrocks as Piglet, and I think Judy Dench. I can't remember who is Eyore, I can see the face of the actor but his name escapes me...he is absolutely brilliant! You might find it on YouTube.

    2. Thanks, I'll look for it.
