Friday 16 February 2024

Wednesday 14th February - battery went flat before I coul post

Into today's Lent email from Andrew Dotchin says that Sundays in Lent are not fast day. I'll go with that.

Although in some ways it will make no difference to me; I haven't given up any particular or beverage. I don't think it will be a good idea to relax my intention to... how shall I put this... clean up my vocabulary, especially when listening to the news, and I do want to persist in taking time every day to close my eyes and just... meditate, contemplate, be still. S9 Sundays w

Today was a day of great organisings and communicating and trying to get my head around various upcoming meetings. It's done, and written down, and I can relax. 

In the meantime I'm still knitting aways at the first legwarmer for my father, to keep his ankles nice and warm when he's out and about in his wheelchair.  I'm over half way now but I doubt I'll get them done for Sunday which is when the next wheelchair outing is to take place. 

Knitting is not as easy to draw as I hoped!

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