Wednesday disappeared in whirl of activity. A couple of youtube videos, and a conversation with a friend sent me into an intense day of making a fabric cover for my Commonplace Books.
As you can tell from the confusion of pins and fabrics it has some way to go.
The backing is an old cotton pillowslip from a duvet set which is too worn to use. On top I have randomly applied fabric (stolen from my patchwork tin) and felt scraps. Of course Sensible Me might choose to embellish the cover before putting it on the book, but Hurry-hurry Me can't wait.
It's a great way of using up all the scraps of thread from the years of collaboration with Ang;
Inside this innocent little felt-lined fabric folder
are all my threads scraps! Aargh!
I just take hold of a likely looking end and gently tease it out to see what I've caught. Will it be long or short? Variegated or plain? How many strands?
That's how the colours for the seed stitched square on the top right corner of the book cover were 'chosen'.
What with the amount of time I spent doing this (I was only going to measure the book; I didn't mean to go this far but one thing led to another) and admin and teaching, and an hour cross stitching for the Dec/Jan/Feb collaboration, it was 7.30pm. Book Club zoom and bed, and no time left to blog.
I definitely get the need to put the cover on the book and THEN add the embellished patches, especially as that will probably make the bends round the spine/edges work better. [If you keep it too flat it may not curve well] But are you embelling patches BEFORE you sew them on the cover, or AFTER ? My thread melee*is squished into a corner of the divided box which holds all my cards of stranded thread.
ReplyDelete* one of them, I think theres another in the loft
Regarding the embellishing - part of this experimental cover is to try both ways; beforehand, after the patch is sewn on, or not at all. I am onnoyed at how many embroidery stitches I have forgotten - I shall have to look them up!