Monday 27 May 2024

Bank Holiday Monday - 27th May 2024

And another Bank Holiday weekend draws to a close...

I keep wanting to write 'it was a quiet and peaceful day', and so it was, for a lot of the time.

In the morning I did a bit of sewing, a bit of knitting, and a bit of drawing. I've also started going through a great box of photographs that my father unearthed. Quite a number relate to various grandchildren - ie our children and nephews - christenings and birthdays when they were very little.  A real trip down memory lane.

I also read quite a lot of 'The Secret Ingredient'. I suppose you would call it a cosy romance... Will Kate marry Jack? Will Della marry Dave? I'm only about 2/3 through  but it's holding my interest. Each chapter seems to include a 'revelation' by, or about one of the characters and a recipe.

We seized the opportunity of a fine spell after lunch to go for a walk, just round to some friends in the next row to return some seedlings I had been taking care of for a couple of weeks while they were away. It was still sunny, so we sat in the garden and had tea/coffee and delicious homemade shortbread still slightly warm from the oven. Perfect. Then we completed the loop back to our house, a distance of about a mile in all. 

We're trying use up one of the oxygen cylinders at least every other day for the exercise and to get used to using them. So this little walk around the local area was a perfect opportunity.  We arrived home with the cylinder 3/4 empty, and just before the rain started.

I had a slight panic halfway home, because I had forgotten all about a piano lesson booked for the end of the afternoon, but there was plenty of time - phew!


  1. So glad you could walk round to friends - and get back before the rain started (we did that too) I'm wishing I'd brought something with me to knit or sew... But I am drawing pictures in my travel journal, and enjoying that enormously. How many pupils do you have now?

    1. How have you managed to avoid Parisian yarn shops?!?
      A travel journal with your own sketches, souvenirs and drawings is a wonderful thing to look back on.
      I've three adult students, one sixth-former, and three siblings, but I've asked the last three to find a new teacher from September as they have reached a level (above grade 6) where, for them, only face-2-face teaching will enable them to reach their potential. I'll be sorry to see them go.
