Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tuesday 28th May

 The other morning I woke up feeling rather sad because I thought I had missed the Longest Day.... then I woke up properly and breathed sigh of relief.  Still May, not yet June. 

I was very annoyed to discover that Something had eaten a whole broad bean plant last week, and immediately sent off for two twin packs of these;

They were delivered today, and we have installed and filled them. Heh heh heh. Enjoy your beer...

We shall inspect them tomorrow. 

I have practised backstitching a title on the first book cover I made before doing one on the current cover. 

I might leave it until the cover is sewn onto the book, as I found stitching the letters fairly easy with the hard surface of the book underneath the fabric.

I finished the book 'The Secret Ingredient', by Sue Heaton last night. It was okay; I did find the ending a bit worthy,  a bit twee, and a bit obvious. I might try some of the recipes, if I can find them!

It's been an 'indoors' sort of day; cold, grey and rainy off and on. So, guess what, wevspent most of the day, apart from setting up the slug traps, indoors.


  1. Do hope you wont be kept awake with drunken slug singing!

    1. I didn't hear anything last night, I shall go and check the pots later this morning...

  2. It's the thought of a trio of slugs singing "shoe me the way to go home..." That will keep me smiling all day .

  3. PS The Cover Project...I'll email when I get home. Loving the look of you current cover

    1. Thank you. I'll look forward to the email!
