Friday 31 May 2024

Friday 31st May

 Cast never a clout till May is out.

Yes. Well. I have put All my clouts back on today. Thermal vest, sweatshirt and fleece top. At one point I was also wrapped up in a blanket when we had all the windows open in the living room for 'an air change'.

I have been out into the garden for some fresh air and a bit of a walk around but otherwise stayed in.

The main push is to finish this book cover by the end of June in time for Ang  and me to start our next collaboration in July...

I love the photograph of the children. The blue stitching holding the overlap in place is my first go at Quaker Stitch, a sort of split stem stitch. I started at the bottom, and you can see it took a while to settle into the rhythm. 

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