Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday 1st June

 We went out this afternoon to visit the Prairie Gardens at Henfield, West Sussex. It is several years since we were last there, and we usually go much later in the season. I hadn't realised that today was the first day of the 2024 season but it turns out that they open from 1st June until 31st October.

At the moment everything is quite low to the ground, and still very green.

There were some surprises; I had never seen peonies like these before;

at least they look like peonies to me. There was a little group of them under this larger shrub

Well, that's rather annoying; Blogger is refusing to insert any more of my photographs. So I will save them for another post once I have got this sorted out.

We have bought a season ticket each; if we visit another two times we will have got our money back, and I'm looking forward to watching the garden grow over the Summer and Autumn.    

Blogger is behaving most weirdly this evening. I'm going to give up at this point, before I start getting more than slightly irritated!


  1. Blogger was playing up with me for photographs too. And some of the posts of regulars are not showing up on my reading list...what's it all about? My Egyptian Onions are going wild.

  2. I'm hoping the blogger problem has even fixed by running updates on my laptop. There were quite a few to be done.
    I have surrounded my Egyptian onion with pots for the new plants to root into. Waiting to see what happens next!

  3. Nice to have a garden near to visit, we're planning a visit to one quite near us and it has a super coffee shop there too!

    1. I managed to resist the coffee shop this time even though I know that their cakes are amazing and often unusual.

  4. Peonies, yes. Among the big row of more traditional pink peonies that came with our last house were two plants with peonies like this. Leaves and other aspects of the plants were just like the more usual peonies. Hard for me to think of them in a "prairie" garden, as one who grew up on the Canadian prairies.

    1. I can't really work out why this style of garden is called 'prairie'. It must be something to do with it being basically a flat field threaded with paths through the flowers.

  5. Lovely photos hope Blogger lets you post some more. I have those peonies in the garden. I think they are called Golden Bowl but not 100% sure. Regards Sue H

    1. I shall have a go at posting more photos this afternoon. And I'll look up those peonies. I had no idea there was such a variety!
