Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday 2nd June

 When I walk along the corridor to my twice-weekly exercise class at the local hospital I pass the little prayer room. It is a good place to stop for a few minutes as I am usually too early, so I'll go in, sit down and let the peace and quiet do it's work.

The last few times a hymn has come to mind; one week is was 

'Father, hear the prayer we offer

Not for ease that prayer will be,

But for strength that we may ever

Live our lives courageously.'

Subsequent verses include 'but the steep and rugged pathway may we tread rejoicingly ', which made me smile as I headed out on my way to the gym.

Last time it was 'Be thou my guardian and my guide and hear me when I call, Be thou for ever by my side and hold me lest I fall'. I think I may have muddled the words; I was always better at remembering the tunes.

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