Sunday 2 June 2024

More Saturday 1st June

 Yesterday I lost patience with blogger while I was halfway through the post.... today I have done 'check for updates' and done them, and a restart, and...

Here are the rest of the photographs;

This is part of the cutting garden (about 10 times the size of my back garden!). There weren't any flowers to see yet. I took the picture so that I could compare how it develops over the season.

Head of a Man by David Price

As well as all the amazing plants there are statues everywhere; not what I think of as 'garden centre' ornaments, but a huge variety of 'objects d'art' in stone, glass, wood, wire and metal. They are all for sale; these heads were everywhere, like strangely benign beings from a Dr Who episode. I think I would have liked one, maybe one of the smaller  versions,  but there is the little matter of cost...

There's a playful element too; look closely at this bench, rather overwhelmed by the gunnera (I read somewhere that the wet spring has been good for gunnera this year) and you will see some plastic toy animals fixed to the front edge. Little toy animals were everywhere!

I was really disappointed when I discovered I didn't have a notebook with me. Scattered around the gardens are these colourful boxes, containing a carved woodblock and a brand new wax crayon. I will take a notebook with me next time, and a crayon in case they have got used up, so that I can collect the rubbings.

(If blogger has been misbehaving, maybe your computer or tablet has some outstanding updates. Yesterday I was using my lap top, and it has now been updated,  and today we went through the same process with this tablet. Good luck, and don't forget to do a restart after any updates.

PS can I also remind you to make sure your stuff is backed up somewhere? )


  1. Blogger has hit me too and taken elements off, changed colours etc. I am fed up with it.

    1. That's a pain, I hope you can sort it out soon. Good luck 👍

  2. Fed up with blogger. It's behaving very badly all round .And I'm typing this on my phone as my tablet has seriously died. Even beyond repair by Bob, who can fix almost anything . Grateful that didn't happen last week when I was on holiday.

    1. I haven't checked everything, but I think doing updates on my laptop and tablet (Samsung android; we don't use any apple tech) has fixed things. If you replace your tablet, having a stylus is wonderful.
