Monday 3 June 2024

Monday 3rd June

 I love the decorations that suddenly appear on local post boxes.

Yesterday we went out for a little walk round the block - up to the duck pond and grass space which is all that remains of the farm land our estate was built on back in the 1950s. Then over to the pub, where the farmhouse stood, and the parade of shops opposite. We have a reasonable local supermarket and post office there, and the post box has acquired a crochet hat

topped with a variety of minibeasts. The paper bag holds a great quantity of crochet woolly worms and butterflies and has 'kiddies, please take one' written on it. It's for a local green spaces initiative.

The Common has a thriving volunteer group who meet at various times of the year to maintain the pond and the area. They successfully raised enough money to buy all the green grass verges which somehow came up for sale. The council were very keen to buy them, so that they could then be cover with tarmac to save on the mowing. The green verges are much better in every way.


  1. We have a keen band of post box decorators in the village. At the moment it is all about D Day. So clever.
