Thursday 30 May 2024

Thursday 30th May

 I could get stirred up about spending millions on distraction election promises like National Service... (the latest is that young football stars will be exempt... what about gymnasts, musicians, ballet dancers and all those professions which require 24/7 dedication and training? What about the funding for the admin to check every application for exemption due to disability, hospital treatment... ) Actually, where is the money coming from?

 nope. I'm not going to waste my time and yours...

All I'm asking is, that whatever your politics, priorities, you try and vote. 

Right. That's enough of that.

I took a pen to the watercolour doodles I did a few days ago. In the case of the bottom one, I just used coloured pencils to add more colour to the flowers. It's really just exploring,  experimenting, trying out this and that...

Which is the same as the current book cover

There will probably only be 6 charm squares stitched to the blue foundation, which can then be folded around the book covers and the edges turned in and stitched down. I haven't done more than stitch the title of the book I'm making this for; 'Project Book 2024'. This square will be folded around the spine, so I don't want to add any more until I see how it lies. The next piece, bottom left, has been tacked down and folded over so this time I know my seam allowances will be sufficient!


  1. Trying not to listen to anything about the election. It all seems to be built on airy promises, most of which will quietly disappear. And WHY football stars???

    1. Popularity politics explains the whole 'national service except for footballers' scenario!

  2. Honestly, the footballer thing! How very dare they! They should be at the peak of their fitness so therefore prime for national service! I love your watercolours!

    1. Thank you re watercolours- I find them very relaxing to do. As for every single justification and reason for National Service... Best comedy show in town (volunteers could help on-call firemen' was the latest from some MP who should know better)

  3. P.S. Also hating all the election empty promises!

    1. Indeed... since the Boris Brexit Bus I'm now deeply suspicious of any campaign bus...
