Friday 14 June 2024

Friday 14th June

 This cold weather is set to continue for a good few days yet. I have got as far as the patio outside, but haven't stayed out very long! Today is a 'low energy' day and I'm feeling a bit lethargic. 

It's probably because I didn't sleep so well last night; it happens every so often. I don't let it bother me, but if I find I'm doing too much thinking to let myself get back to sleep easily, I resort to listening to the radio (BBC sounds) or a book on audible. I have Bluetooth headband headphones, which are very soft and comfortable to fall asleep in, and can operate my tablet without switching on a light so I can avoid waking BB.

Last night I was just a little too cold to settle, so I pulled up the knitted blanket up the duvet a bit, and listened to 'Death in Diamonds' by S J Bennett. Samantha Bond does the voices so well, especially Queen Elizabeth that I don't mind missing chunks of the plot (which I vaguely remember) as I drift off. Except, this time, I became too engrossed in the story and listened for longer than I intended! Hence being a bit floppsidaisical today.

Jigsaw - Best Beloved had better close this post now! He has an uncanny memory for jigsaws he has seen, and as he hasn't done this one yet, looking at the picture would spoil it for him. 

Here's where I got to this morning.

The reflection is from a cheap rechargeable desk lamp I bought a while back to help with crossstitching.

Foreground next, I think...


  1. I found a jigsaw in the loft I'd forgotten about. Maybe next week...

  2. We love jigsaws but don't usually do them in the summer, but with this weather, I think I might get one out.

    1. It's still winter, barely spring in my mind!

  3. Agree , it is Winter here today, and yesterday, and maybe tomorrow too. there are tiny patches of sun and one lives in hope, only to look out half an hour later at pouring rain. I have put the central heating back on.

    1. We leave the heating on low all year, and it has come on a couple of tes recently. ❄️
