Friday 7 June 2024

Friday 7th June

The weather was unpromising this afternoon, cloudy with a cold wind, but we set off to the Prairie Gardens again anyway. We've got the season tickets, and I want to use them, and given a choice of doing my exercises or going for a walk - well, today a walk seemed the better choice.

It was worth the effort of getting out and driving down there. The sun came out and we spent a cheerful hour, this time with a break for refreshments halfway through.

This time I had my notebook with me, and did rubbings of two blocks. I am amused that the picture on the outside of the box bears no relation to the animal inside! We passed a number of boxes, but I resolutely walked past. I'd like to complete the set slowly over the season rather than trying to get them all in one visit. 

Even in just a week - since the opening day on Saturday 1st June - more flowers were out. I have no idea what these pink ones are called, but they are so pretty, with daisy-like petals around the ase and delicate little spikey centres.

These were the sculptures that caught my eye this time. They are called 'Pilgrim Shafts', made of charred oak and shiny pewter. Later I saw another on, this time with the base hidden by plant leaves, which looked more effective than these rather prosaic concrete stands. Behind them, over in the next flower bed, is one of the stained glass pieces. 

The tea room has a large outdoor area, perfect for us. Even though Best Beloved was carrying the oxygen cylinder I was really not feeling energetic so was glad to sit down in this sort of pergola/alcove for two. Just look at the lichen on the benches! The alcove was against the wooden wall of the tea room, with some kind of climbing plant growing up the wall and along the backs of the benches. 

We shared a piece of flapjack and a chocolate brownie; one-third of each for me, two-thirds for Himself (aka Best Beloved). Mid-week on a cloudy day meant that the gardens not at all crowded, so I ws able to go and look at the art exhibition inside. 

They have cardoons! Indeed, this is why I have a cardoon plant in my much, much smaller suburban garden! 

  I wonder if they would like an Egyptian Walking Onion.... I will take one of mine if they root as a present.


  1. The pink flowers are Astrantia. They come in pink or white. Lovely photos. Regards Sue H

    1. Thank you for the compliment and the information!

  2. Cardoons are strangely appealing aren't they! I wonder if your pink flower is an Astrantia? I have it in the garden and it does look similar.

    1. Well, if you and Sencosue agree then they must be Astrantia! The cardoons give me a great deal of pleasure.
