Monday 10 June 2024

Monday 10th June

 It's been a pretty busy day, and I'm only just - literally! - catching my breath.

'Pacing yourself' was the theme of the education bit of the respiratory exercise class this morning.  Well, if only...

Today's activities were 

1. Having a shower 

2. The exercise class

3. A zoom, arranged so my uncle, who is 90 something and has dementia, could chat to my father, who is 95 and just about managing in his sheltered accommodation. It went very well; my cousin was there to support her father and my brother and I were there too. Zoom is such a boon for keeping families and friends in touch. We have decided to make this a regular meeting from now on.

4. Teaching a piano lesson

That was actually too much for one day... 

Somewhere I read the phrase


In my case, it means 'let go of all those lower priority things that can wait - or be dragged down into exhaustion and breathlessness.'

So, no pictures, no drawing, no knitting, no sewing today. I've spent the rest of the day reading and breathing, and I have finally, literally,  'caught my breath'!


  1. It must be hard trying to pace yourself but well done for finally catching your breath. Can you remind me what your condition is? Is it Pulmonary Fibrosis like my Father in Law had?
    That Zoom sounds brilliant! How lovely for the nonegenarians to be able to communicate via it!
    Hope you are ok!

    1. Yes it is PF that I have, a consequence of an autoimmune disease called scleroderma. I'm sorry your FiL had it; it's a bit of a drag. But at least (in my case) it isn't painful.
      The zoom was so sweet, to see the brothers, both a bit too deaf to manage the telephone easily and no longer very mobile, able to see each other and chat.

  2. That is good. I did not get up till 9. And have done very little all day apart from scanning some documents this morning and spending an hour helping the Brownies with woodwork this afternoon.

    1. A morning of energy conservation was a very good idea after your D day weekend and before supervising the Brownies let loose with woodworking tools!
