Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Tuesday 11th June

 Ta dah!

This the completed Cross Stitch Collaboration, that I get to keep. I suspect I was meant to sew the word 'Norfolk' rather than 'Norwich' in the top right corner. It was Pentecost when I spotted that, and since the lower edge has the words 'Candlemas 2023  - Pentecost  2024' I reckoned time was up!

Here is Ang's, (with 'Norfolk' in the top right corner!)

Each stitched section was a bit of a revelation - history, techniques, and our own creativity. I should say we both discovered a lot about ourselves in the process.

This project, at any rate for me, was a huge challenge and very time consuming. Who would have thought stitching such relatively small areas would take so long!

I'm very proud of our achievement, and also very glad that our next collaboration (yes, we are plotting and planning and finalising details) will be on a much smaller scale.


  1. They are both absolutely lovely. Well done both of you! Years ago I used to take part in Cross stitch 'Round Robins' where several people decided on a theme, stitched and sent on their design. By the time it had gone round nine people it was a full canvas. The best one was a Flower theme.

    1. Thank you! The round robin sounds like a good idea for a craft club.

    2. Both pieces are beautiful and you should both be very proud of what you have achieved. I have followed the progress of the pieces over the past year and it is so good to see the finished articles. Well done

    3. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the next one.

  2. Thank you Kirsten! What a joy this has been ๐Ÿ’“

    1. Hasn't it been a joy! Worth every minute.

  3. Having done cross stitch in the past I know how many hours are put into a piece like this one. It looks lovely.

  4. A joy to see the finished pieces. Well done to both you and Ang. The detail when you click on the pictures is exquisite. Sarah in Sussex

    1. I still can't really belive what we managed to achieve. Thank you.

  5. Well done to both of you, they are both so clever and so much work in each and lovely colours. A real keepsake for 2023 and 2024

    1. Thank you. They certainly bring back memories of the year!

    2. Thank you. They certainly bring back memories of the year!

  6. What a wonderful collaboration and lovely stitching. Gold stars to you both and thank you for sharing. I am delighted you have another collaboration planned. Regards Sue H

    1. I have to say my 'gold star' looked and tasted very much like a chocolate from the 'chocolate o'clock box'! Thank you for your encouragement ๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. Beautiful work. Look forward to your next collaboration.

    1. It's very pleasing to know that other people enjoy our slightly mad stitching adventures aa much as we do! Thank you. ๐Ÿ˜Š
