Saturday 22 June 2024

Saturday 22nd June

It's Church Camp Weekend. A large part of the congregation will be camping at a smallholding near the village, and others will be 'day-tripping', turning up around breakfast time and going home to hot showers, modern plumbing and real beds!

When our children were young, 30 or more years ago, I used to take them. Things were different then; they have real portaloos now so no-one has to go on the rota for the unlovely job of emptying the porta-potties!

I'm hoping and praying that the weather holds for them for the weekend. There is a humongous marquee so rain wouldn't be the end of the world. It such a wonderful time for everyone, and a lot of friends and neighbours join in as well, whether or not they church-goers.

We're not going, but today we did go out for a second breakfast with our offsprings at our regular meeting up place. They had waffles with bacon and maple syrup as usual, but I chose avocado on sourdough bread with lemon juice and sumac, so healthy, and a sausage, so delicious! I did share my sausage. 

I keep almost remembering what sumac is.... I must look it up.

It did rain last night (any campers with soggy tents could take refuge in the marquee!). So my watering yesterday morning had a bit of a top up. The forecast for the morning wasn't wonderful, and in fact '10% likelihood of rain' became a shortlived and very, very light shower. Our table was by a high wall with roses and honeysuckle growing up it from large planters



I spent a short time on the jigsaw in the early evening sun - yes, the cloudy skies turned to sunshine for the afternoon so the camp barbecue evening will go well - and have made progress. It's very satisfying when you reach the stage of being able to pick up a piece and add it in rather than putting it vack!


  1. Sumac is a delicious spice made from the ground-up dried berries of a Mediterranean tree. I use it a lot(blame Yotam Ottolenghi) most often sprinkled on salad. I bought a large pack in a middle eastern supermarket (way cheaper than a little pot from Sainsbury's) Our church had a Cream Tea yesterday.But we went to granddaughters birthday bbq instead

    1. I'm adding avocados and lemons to the grocery order and I think sumac should go on the list too. Hope granddaughter's bbq and birthday was a great success.
