Saturday 29 June 2024

Saturday 29th June

What a lovely day it has been.

A gentle morning, dealing with paperwork and paying bills. All the juggling with passwords, pin numbers, user ids and texts with pass codes went smoothly for once, so the work was soon completed. 

After lunch my brother and father came round for coffee. My brother lives nearly three hours drive away. Even so, he will come will come over every 6 weeks or so to take father out to lunch, drop by, and drive back again. His wife couldn't come; she's chair of governors for a cluster of schools so June and July are wall to wall speech days, sports days, prize givings, end of term celebration services and so on.

And then, what a whirl, we had been invited to friend's, just round the corner, for tea/coffee and cake in her garden. We had been intending to walk round, but took the car as we were running a bit late.

While we were waiting for father and brother to arrive I pottered in the garden. Oh the joy of messing about with plants and earth... I've missed it. I repotted a couple of plants and had a look at the Walking Onions. The new little bulbils don't show any sign of rooting themselves so I picked a stem to see what would happen if I planted them. I think it's probably too early, but I've plenty to experiment with.

The Internet says the bulbils are good to eat.

I brought some in to try. That will be tomorrow's adventure. 


  1. Great minds think alike! This afternoon after the duck race I planted 4 of the little drooping bulbils (bilbuls?) in a pot and took 4 of the spring-onion-like red bulbs into the kitchen for tomorrow's salad! Ewoks Forever!
