Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday 30th June

At our zoom church home group on Thursday evening, as usual we chatted about out concerns large and small, ranging from the upcoming election, and which is the best optician in town, and the difficulty of finding space to reflect on readings or sermons or prayers in a sunday church service...

Along the way we always talk about our own concerns, prayer needs, and how we can 'keep on trucking' through the coming week.

One of the group suggested this verse;

We thought we would each spend time through the week reflecting on it, reading it in different translations and 'chewing over' the words.

So here it is, and I invite you to do the same.


  1. Thank you. They are lovely words.

  2. Thank you! Here's Robert Alter's translation: Let me hear Your kindness in the morning, for in You I trust. Let me know the way I should go, for to You I lift up my being.

    1. I had forgotten how lovely Robert Alter's translations are. I'd downloaded his book a few years ago but not revisited it recently. Thank you

  3. Psalms are a great way to find comfort, when I feel low, Psalm 139 is my go to reading, my favourite to lift the spirit.
