Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 6th June

Our neighbours went on holiday today, and warned us that a taxi would be coming to collect them at 4.45am. That's EARLY! They did warn us, and they were very quiet, but when our bedroom is at the front of the street and it is already light and our windows were open it was inevitable that we woke up.

We're feeding the cat while they are away, but we were weren't too concerned not to see him around as they had given him breakfast, his only meal, before they left.

Today was so quiet, and we were feeling the effects of getting up too early that I thought I would have nothing to post. Apart from blackfly on my broad beans - and that's really not interesting.


the day was derailed when we had a text from the neighbours at about 5pm, now in France!

'We've had a call from the vet to say they have got our cat!'  

Well, it turns out that a near identical cat has been missing from its home several streets away, and the owner has been widening the search area as the days went by. A picture of THEIR cat, and mobile contact number appeared on the telegraph pole outside our house, and then, 'OUR' (well, the neighbour's) cat disappeared! 

I rang the contact number, and sure enough, they had spotted 'OUR' cat at the far end of our road and swept him up thinking 'Hooray'. At first, they thought they had found their cat, but as he became more and more stressed they had the vet come and check for a microchip. Wrong cat. 

Anyway, 'OUR' cat is safely home in his kitchen, eating a long delayed breakfast and overjoyed to see friendly faces again. Sadly, THEIR cat is still missing...

I have put a note on their 'lost cat' poster warning that a near identical cat actually lives around here, so please could people not take it away by mistake!

As you were... 


  1. My daughter got a cat, very similar to another in the street. So she called hers Monty. declaring "then we can say of the other cat 'he is Monty's double'" (which is what comes of having a mother like me who watches old WW2 films starring John Mills etc whilst ironing)

  2. There was another near identical cat to our neighbour's cat living opposite us. Life has been less confusing since they moved at Easter!

  3. Well, one never knows what the day will bring!

    1. We should all have been Scouts; with the motto 'be prepared'!

  4. Ooh, what a hullaballoo!!!! Glad the cat was released!
