Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday 18th June

 Today wasn't a complete day of idleness...

I had a routine appointment in the morning with the chest clinic. Confidently it was a zoom appointment so we didn't have to go to London. As per normal it was yet another brand new doctor, but she was very on the ball and informative. I am becoming steadily more hopeful that a way through the tangle of different hospitals and clinics I am involved with will be found.

I watched the tennis at Queens all afternoon. I've never been a tennis watcher - probably a rebellion against the PE teachers and the 'sporty set' when I was at boarding school. 

Oh goodness, how I disliked PE. I longed for wet days in winter when afternoon lacrosse - the whole school spending the whole afternoons in the pointless pursuit of hurling a very hard rubber ball at each other with unladylike force - was cancelled. It was rumoured that none of the first team had all their own front teeth; this was before the days of Health and Safety. We all crammed into the school hall and did 'Scottish Prancing'  instead, warm and dry... and much safer!

The tennis today was actually quite gripping; Andy Murry is through - hurrah.

In between times I fiddled with the jigsaw - no spoilers today as all I did was swap two large sections over. That was a fiddly business, but I managed to slide bits of card under the pieces and move them more or less in one chunk.

I have the concentration of a goldfish at the moment, and have gone back to childhood favourites for reading. 


  1. I gradually built up the entire set of Ransome books and lived every one! With a childhood living by the water, and a little dinghy, we were Swallows and Amazons.

    1. My dream childhood! I read my father's set over and over again,

  2. I loathed hockey. In the 6th form I asked the head if I could do extra maths on a Monday afternoon in preparation for A levels. She said she would have allowed that for ANY other girl in the school except me. She knew I loved maths, but she felt I needed to get the exercise of hockey!

    1. At least we were allowed to choose badminton instead of lacrosse in the 6th form!
