Monday 17 June 2024

Monday 17th June

 Summer has arrived today, for which I am very grateful. I shall swap 'what to look for in Spring' out and find 'what to look for in summer '

But I am in the process of 'cancelling ' this week; zooms, piano teaching etc. The cold I started last week has not disappeared as hoped; at the rehab gym session they eyed me up, measured my oxygen SATS and said 'no gym, no walks, no exercises for a week, and start your rescue pack of antibiotics '. 

I think I'm going to have to develop an interest in the tennis this year. I watched Roanic versus Norrie this afternoon and found it surprisingly gripping, plus it meant sitting /quietly on the settee Not Doing Anything. See how it goes.


I can manage to do some jigsaw for about fifteen minutes at a time; it's a 'sitting up straight' activity which makes me breathless at the moment. So here's where I've got to;

I'm still trying not to give in and look at the picture.

Meanwhile I have covered it up until I have another go. I'm hoping that hiding the position of the whimsy pieces will prevent BB from picking up clues for when he does it!


  1. Sorry to hear that you are , as they say,' under the weather', not surprising with weather as it is. Take time to rest and restore. Our surgeon in France always used to say.....'Leeesten to your body, Madame'

  2. Bien sûr I will 😃! My GP said 'there's no point in taking antibiotics if you don't stop racing about and give them a chance to work.'
    Thank you.

  3. Take care. Think of the period of enforced rest as gift time. And I love Wentworth jigsaws too but I do only the little ones!

    1. This Wentworth jigsaw is 500 pieces; like you I tend to do the 250 piece ones.
      I am enjoying being 'off-timetable' for a little while 😃
