Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday 16th June

Father's Day

 The prayer begins...

Our Father, who art in heaven (I'm old-school)

but because of His Son, Jesus, who came to live on this earth, and the Holy Spirit he left with us, Our Father's not just in heaven, he's everywhere. Here, with us, in us, accompanying us, enfolding us, today, back in our past, and forever. 

My father on this earth, living down the road in very sheltered accommodation is 95, not very well, dealing with all the ailments and limitations that age has brought upon him. Our roles have changed; he no longer looks after me as he did when I was little, advising me, rescuing me from all my woes. That falls to me to do for him now.

Fortunately there won't be the same role-reversal for us and our heavenly Father. He, with His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit will always look after us, be with us, rescue us. 

Corny, but true.


  1. Replies
    1. My daily Bible Reading Fellowship notes have been on the theme of God the Father this week. It's been quite a thought.
