Friday 19 July 2024

Friday 19th July

'Be careful what you wish for' as they always say...


I don't know how long it will last...

I sat out in the garden with books, notebooks, pens for most of the morning, lunchtime and early afternoon. Although hot, I was shaded by the parasol and there was enough of a breeze to make a slight cooling effect.

There was so much to see! I have no idea which herbs are flowering but the bees and butterflies were working busily through the pink and white flowers. Ants were rushing around, covering the ground but seemingly going nowhere. A small shiny beetle ran a straight path across the paving bricks,only pausing when it encountered a line of moss between the bricks... where was it going?

Eventually I came in because the sun-baked bricks were beginning to radiate the heat.

An hour or so later I wouldn't have been able to stay any longer, as the shade had gone.

I shall go back out tomorrow if it is as hot as today.

The cat next door came to complain. Look at the thickness of his coat!, poor thing!

I've just finished my tea, apart from the strawberries and yogurt. 

Some feta, avocado, a gherkin, cucumber, lettuce leaves, nuts, and some salt'n'pepper snacks. Bits and pieces. That's all I want; turned out to be a pretty filling plateful. 


  1. Summer didnt last long. Rain is forecast for tomorrow!

    1. Woke to grey overcast skies on Saturday morning. Oh well. I have the photographs to prove that summer happened yesterday

  2. We have grey skies and potential rain too today, but it was lovely to have the sun yesterday. That kitty looks a bit like our Coco, she was definitely a bit warm yesterday.

    1. It's raining and a bit chilly here now. I'm considering putting on some socks!
