Thursday 25 July 2024

Thursday 25th July

After yesterday and the day before's apparently non-stopness (that might not have been a word before I just typed it but it look likes a good one to me) (is it 'typing' when I am jabbing at the letters on the tablet?)

anyway, after the past two days, the cancellation of the home visit by the optician this morning (Not Specsavers, there are other opticians doing home visits) and then the rain preventing my excursion to meet a friend for coffee this afternoon all came as a relief.

I'm currently enjoying reading old notebook swaps. I'm on the second volume, starting in January 2023. I covered this book in March this year, judging from when I took the picture because the actual book has rather unexciting black covers.

I'm interested to note how much I like the feel and texture of the fabrics. It adds to the pleasure I get from revisiting our 'conversations '. So I've decided to make a cover for one of my friends books which has just been completed. I'll surprise her with it when I send it back.

I popped out of the kitchen door for a breath of fresh air when the rain stopped, around 5pm.

'Help!' I cried. BB came out... I'm sure those Monster Molluscs changed direction to s-l-o-w-l-y pursue me across the damp path...

Slugging tongs and bucket were our weapons of choice, and I reckon three dozen humongous slugs have been chucked well into the waste ground beyond the back garden. I must check how great a distance their homing instincts will work.

Ang and I seem to be charging ahead with our Cover Story collaboration. I know she's working on her second piece. And so am I. 


  1. Words that might not be actual words are very good value I think.

  2. The new project is really great fun - I already have an idea for my next patch...

    1. Have you ever tried "non-stopidity". It's a hybrid of non-stop and stupidity? Often true.

    2. That word should be in the dictionary!
