Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday 24th July

Typing in a hurry because I've got a bookclub zoom starting in 10 minutes! The book was 'The Wren, The Wren, by Anne Enright. I read he blurb and a review and decided it was not for me; I shall find out tonight what I missed. It sounded deep and meaningful and a  REAL commentary on modern day life for three generations of women ill-treated by men... I'm more into cosy stories, happy endings and not too much tears and harrowings and fears on the way at the moment.

The vinegar cake is very good and well worth the very slight effort of making it. I need to tinker with the cooking times - it came out just on the verge of being slightly dry. Soaking the fruit first would help - half of mine came from an old packet and they were very shriveled.

Here's the recipe and my notes;

I will add mixed spice as well next time. If you substituted marg for butter it would become a vegan recipe.


The next book club choice is The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks. Now this sounds more my cup of tea! 



  1. I may make the vinegar cake next week. Getting ready for guests this weekend - bit no cakes required as one is coeliac and bringing his own bread and breakfast cereal.

    1. I recommend nairns gluten free oatcakes. Check packet, not all oat cakes are gluten free!

  2. I buy a lot of Nairns oatcakes specially the cheese flavoured ones. Good! The Wren...sounds heavy going and a bit insistent on the 'Female' thing. I'm reading a lovely book called 'Raising Hare', a true story.

    1. The club had mixed opinions from 'I applaud your decision not to read it!' to 'worth rereading '.
      We like the chocolate oatcakes too.
