Tuesday 22 October 2024

Tuesday 22nd October

Today didn't really happen.

I woke up feeling definitely seedy after a broken night due to coughing (sorry, BB, you won't have slept well either). I don't get headaches, but this morning was the exception that proves the rule.

Annoying, because it looked set to be sunny and I liked the idea of getting out for a bit. However I spent the morning mostly asleep in bed, which was all I was fit for. 

Occasionally I would telephone BB who was downstairs and ask for another glass of water or cup of coffee - he is SO kind and patient. 

That seemed to be all that was needed; a morning in bed sleeping off whatever lurgy was brewing. I came down for lunch and I've been sitting reading all afternoon. 

Tomorrow is another day, as I always mutter to myself when a day hasn't goneas planned! I've a piano lesson to teach in the afternoon, and Book Club in the evening, but I reckon I'll not be hurrying to get up in the morning. 

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