Friday, 10 January 2025

Friday 10th January - more this and that

 The slow cooker chilli from yesterday yielded 6 portions in the end. I went hunting for kidney beans to add to the containers after I had divvied it all into three meals... 

I reached out all the cans in the cupboard and found two cans of coconut milk, two of tomatoes, one of lentils, two of borlotti beans and two cans of cock-a-leekie soup. Where did those cans of soup come from? I would never have bought them fuss. Most mysterious.

And, to my amazement, ten cans of Heinz mixed baked beans in tomato sauce. TEN!

I opened two, rinsed the sauce off the beans and added them to the chilli. We had baked beans and sausage rolls, with grapes to follow, for supper. Seven cans in the cupboard is still over-supply, but at least we've started to work our way through the stockpile. 

The chilli has all been labeled and put in the freezer.

Next? Oh no! The house plants are all droopy!


My father’s paperwork. 

Today's task was to go through a four-inch tall stack of assorted bank statements and sort them, first into the different banks, then into the different accounts, mostly going back to 2019. No 'treasures' hidden among the papers this time.

(If you love your executors, keep on top of your filing!)

Just about everything was there, and now it is all in separate folders, colour-coded and labelled. One more bag of paperwork to go this week before I start again!


I've come to the last day of my daily phrases from The Lord's Prayer;

'For ever and ever, Amen'

This has been very settling and sustaining. Now, what next...?

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