Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Wednesday 22nd January - hot and cold

 I am cold this evening! I'm wearing three layers and a warm scarf and a poncho! It's that damp seeping cold, a speciality of English weather at this time of year. 

The mad thing is that we're watching 'Landscape Painter of the Year'. They are painting at Hampton Court on 'one of the hottest days of the year', struggling to control the paint in the heat, fanning themselves, flapping their clothes to try and cool themselves a little. 

It is a reminder that there will be warmer weather. Do not despair; one day I will be wearing just a t-shirt, without a jumper and a fleece on top!


There's no way I'm going out and doing anything in the garden at the moment. Not until it's not so cold. But that's fine, according to my almanac

People who use the phases of the moon to inform their plans for seed sowing should be letting well alone until the end of this the month;

I don't think I've got anything that needs pruning, I've never checked my soil for pH levels, the weeds don't look to bad... both the garden and I can have a dormant period...


Psalm 23, first half of verse 6 in the Message paraphrase;

So, perhaps I should sit still for a bit so that God's beauty and love can catch up with me...


  1. That last line looks a very good plan.

  2. You do well to remain indoors and try to get warm.

  3. It sounds like a good day to stay inside. We've had really bitterly cold weather the last couple of days. I've had my blanket on indoors too. It's just been too cold.

    1. I'm very grateful for the poncho I knitted last year! It's very cosy
