I won't say how much it cost to buy stamps for them all; first class stamps are £1.65, and Foreign stamps are £2.80, and there were a lot of letters...
It's been another day of what a friend calls 'sadmin'.
I'm not overcome with grief; I loved my father deeply, but it was hard for him to enjoy life this last year, and therefore hard for us too. The sad part is over for him, and for us. No, it's all the decisions and actions and lists; the order of service, ordering flowers, a notice in the paper, do we need to put a notice in The Times?, collating replies, collecting photographs... ugh
Someone, with a 'faraway' look in their eyes, quite seriously told me that 'I had been given the gift of administration'. I suspect that was wishful thinking on his part as I was one of the Churchwardens at the time. Or maybe the message was meant for the other Churchwarden?
Anyway, all this sadmin is stretching a weaker part of my capabilities further than I thought possible, rather than playing to my strengths!
I have cut my hair! Or rather, BB has been persuaded to. He doesn't get much practice as this is something that only happens about once a year. This time, after much consideration, I asked him to snip off one finger width all round. It looks fine to me. I just thought it needed tidying up. I would like it shorter, but I'll wait until the weather is warmer.
I am celebrating needing a size smaller of my favourite thermal lined winter trousers by eating just about everything in sight today. Toast, panetonne, yoghurt, crisps, nuts, a banana are just some of the snacks I've eaten between meals today. Guess what? I'm not going to weigh myself tomorrow, that's for sure. I'm wearing the smaller trousers today, but I'll hang onto the old ones for a while yet.
Prayer for the week from the service of Evensong; Nunc Dimittis
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.
This prayer is part of the evensong service. I used to sing it when I was in the school choir.
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