Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday 2nd February - Done! nearly...

I have reached 'W' in my father’s address book! There are three letters left to top and tail; but I had to stop; writer's cramp! Not something I've encountered before, even when sitting my A-levels. 

Thinking about it though, maybe maths and chemistry wasn't necessarily so very demanding on the writing front.

I'll get those three letters written tomorrow, and all 80+ of them in the post by lunchtime.  Sometimes I think Ang and I are keeping our local post offices going, with letters and parcels back and forth all the time.


The squirrel has found my bird feeder and guzzled all the sunflower hearts. It spent quite a while trying out different methods for getting at the food, settling on hanging upside down, looking all long and thin and stretched out. 


This was all going on while the zoom church service I join was in full flow; very distracting. 

I was reading the old testament lesson today, from the prophet Malachi, chapter 3 verses 1-5 

I found it quite difficult not to burst into song;

I can remember the time I first read the book of Isaiah in my first year at University. It seemed to me to be a straight crib from Handel's Messiah... I didn't know the Bible at all well, but I knew the Messiah from several years of either singing in a choir or playing the cello in an orchestra every Christmas.

Here's st Columba's prayer again, for one last night

Be thou a bright flame before me, O God,

A guiding star above me,

Be thou a smooth path below me,

A kindly shepherd behind me,

Today, tonight and for ever.


  1. When I first worked as a supply teacher, I was in a Catholic School dedicated to St columba, and the boys used to say this prayer

    1. The prayers you learn in childhood can stay with you forever, as Elizabethd said in a comment a few days ago.

  2. You're on the home straight now.

  3. Sending hugs

    Thank you for sharing the verses from Malachi. They feel very inspiring.

    1. Thank you, and I'm pleased you like the Malachi passage. It is very vivid

  4. Well done reaching W, almost done.
    The squirrels here are very inventive. We finally put up baffles on our feeders and (for the most part) they have baffled the squirrels.

    1. I have heard that if you mixx 5he bird food with chilli powder the birds don't mind but the squirrels hate it. I haven't tried it...
