Thought for today
I don't think I thought about anything...
I had a zooms in the morning to do with being an executor and coping with inheritance tax and probate stuff - how I hate of admin, and this type of admin is the kind that makes me very tense...
Oh me oh my. I spent a good deal of the two hours 'tinking', that is 'un-knitting'; a few stitches here, several rows there...
Then there were the dropped stitches to be picked up... But the job is done.
No pictures yet, but I promise I will take pictures of the results soon, holes and all. I suspect I shall be doing a fair bit of remedial darning before I even wear the sock, but hey, it's the heel - it's hidden inside my shoes...
For technical info, it was my first ever short row heel, with wrapped turns. I've done a couple of other sorts of heel turns but not this one.
For a change I did some sewing on the Cover Story Collaboration. Different needle, different fibre, different scale. Another hour passed by.
I had unexpected visitors today. I was upstairs when the first one arrived, so I was very slow answering the door. I'm always half humming Joyce Grenfell's song 'Stately as a Galleon' as I sit on the stair lift. It takes a whole minute to go up or down; it doesn't sound like much, but it is ages!
The first friend brought news and chat, the second flowers from church and a world day of prayer service booklet, which I promptly lent to friend no 1 after friend no 2 left, and in the evening friend no 3 came with daffodil, pushy willow and - a service booklet for the world day of prayer! No good deed goes unrewarded...
Here's Stately as a Galleon
Years and years ago I saw Maureen Lipman's One-Woman-Show in Brighton performing all the Joyce Grenfell sketches and songs; she was marvellous. Well, they both were, JG and ML.
And after all that ravelling and unravelling of my knitting (actually both words mean the same thing!) here's one of my favourite calming piano pieces to play;
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