Sunday, 9 March 2025

Sunday 9th March - silence

My thought for today was prompted by posting a recording of John Cage's 4'33 yesterday. 

How John Cage's ever came up with the notion of the piece I have no idea. 

Of course it wwasn't really silent during the performance; our very beings are noisy, it's just we don't hear ourselves except in very quiet moments. What we think of as 'silence' can only really be a relative quietness.

Our house is almost never quiet. I have an oxygen concentrator running day and night in the corner of the living room during the day, or a corner of the bedroom at night. This us before we turn on the TV, radio, vacuum cleaner or whatever.

When we are out for a walk, I use an oxygen cylinder, and I can hear the sound of the oxygen whooshing through my nose!

Silence, as an absence of sound, is a impossibility. But an interior silence, a silence in my mind, is something worth pursuing.  

Silent and Listen are anagrams. There's my thought for today.



This song is part of my university life. The student in the next door room used to play his heavy metal music until late at night; not at an uncivilised volume, but the thumping bass used to keep me awake. I used to listen to my Simon and Garfinkel cassette night after night, at a low volume with my ear close to the speaker until I fell asleep. Eventually even the 'clunk' of the cassette reachingbthe end wouldn't wake me, and I'd sleep through until morning. 

The song is actually about people's inability to communicate with each other, and becoming lost in a world of silence... not an exact fit for my thought... but then, when you see everyone wrapped up in their mobile phones everywhere... 

It's a good song, anyway.

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