Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Wednesday 31st December - 116 Things to Throw away cop-out

So, today I'm going to throw away

103; Fortune Cookie Mottoes,
68; Unused Tupperware
80; Old Unused Batteries
89; Old Calendars
103; Promotional or Freebie T-shirts that I don't wear

That was easy. We don't have any fortune cookie mottoes, the unused Tupperware went last month, there are no OLD unused batteries, the old calendar on the fridge was thrown yesterday (in spite of the amusing pictures - that was a bit of a wrench) and replaced with a Spike Milligan one, and I don't have any freebie/promotional T shirts.

Good oh. Job Well Done.

But it hasn't made a serious impact on the clutter, even if it has dented the list a bit more.

The cunning plan is to get ahead, so if I miss a few days, I'll still remain on schedule.

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