Saturday, 30 June 2018

Saturday 30th June - 2018

Pinch, punch, end of the month...

no, I am a day early for that rhyme...

It is Saturday afternoon, I have taught piano lessons to seven bleary-eyed children this morning; bleary from the heat and not enough sleep...

and there are still three weeks of term left to go!

I'm already planning my schedule for next year and hoping to create one teach-free day per week, refusing all blandishments to take on a lunch-time recorder club ("only an hour and a half and it's on your doorstep") or any other "treats" on offer.

There's things I want to do, places I want to visit, now that I am of what used to be considered retirement age!

I think I have about three days of my daily journal to write up and I'm trying to think what (apart from teaching!) I have been doing. Like having lunch in Nyman's Gardens last Tuesday; a brief interlude between schools when I could sit and listen to the birds and contemplate the flowers;

and an alarming incident on Wednesday morning when Leo (the cat) discovered that both the main windows in our bedroom were open... 

There was a time when both cats used to enjoy going through one open window, walking along the outside windowsill and back in through the other open window. That was downstairs, the sitting room woindow, and the old, very rough wooden windowsill.  I had a very real fear that Leo would discover, too late, that the new, smooth plastic windowsill was a very different thing, and that a fall from the first floor bedroom window was a completely different experience...  She was more than halfway out of the window when I realised what she was doing, and I was pretty certain that if I made a grab for her back end the result would not be good.

"Leo, Leo," I called, in my most winning tones, and fortunately she changed her mind and came back inside. Thunk thunk as I hastily closed both windows. Some cats haven't realised when they are too old for acrobatics...

It's too hot to sit outside, and to warm to sit inside, and too sweaty to type.

Roll on the arrival of the real English summer...

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