Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Tuesday 1st January 2019 - Happy New Year

We didn't stay up to see the New Year in last night - by about nine pm we looked at each other and agreed that an early night was in order... although we woke briefly when the fireworks went off all around... and I woke in the middle of a complicated and confusing dream about burglars at some early hour. I think that might have been when the offsprings were creeping upstairs, returning from the party they had been to somewhere else...

Today was a slow start, unsurprisingly, and then a jaunt out to Petworth for lunch. We braved the crush at the cafe, and then went round the 'Georgian Christmas' exhibition.

Then we went our separate ways - the offsprings towards their own abodes, and us two back home.

That's Christmas not nearly over, though; the tree and decorations will stay up until - I'm not sure when - Epiphany? 6th December? or even Candlemas? 2nd February? I'm not sure when we will have an opportunity to pack everything away in the next few days.

Christmas is going to last until the 25th January anyway;

These chocolate calendars were reduced to £1 each at the corner shop. So that's a chocolate a day until 25th January.

New Year Resolutions?

Just the usual; a daily, weekly and monthly resolution. They have served me well for several years now.

Write a page per day in my diary

Eat chocolate at least once a week

Take two bags (of unspecified size) of donations (of unspecified size and number) to the charity shop every month.




  1. We didn't stay up either. We had an early start and a long drive back home to Dorset today. Like you, I'm determined to get lots of stuff to the CS this year.

  2. Ps happy new year to you and yours!

  3. Looking back at January from today, 3rd November; The charity shop resolution has foundered this year... oh well - there's always next year!

    1. My daughter is turning into Marie Kondo, so I've been "warmly encouraged" to do more decluttering this year!
