Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Wednesday 11th November - Be Still


Be still - for 2 minutes at 11 am, wearing last year's poppies, along with a couple of neighbours up and down the road - different ones to the people who stood outside their doors on Sunday, apart from us.

I don't feel too bad about wearing last year's poppies as I usually end up buying three of four each year to replace the ones I lose in the days before Remembrance Sunday. 

I suppose, in some kind of weird way, this is my generation's 'war', albeit more of a 'home front' sort of thing for most of us. But the healthcare workers and bus drivers and school staff are all very much on a front line, and a deadly front line at that. So many of them have died from coronavirus this year that it felt right to remember them as well as the soldiers and civilians of all nations and all conflicts. 

Two minutes isn't long.

I see I still haven't polished those shoes.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was thinking about all those who had died, not just in wars on Thursday. We had the year 3's out in the playground for the silence and it was lovely until the loud cherry-picker on a nearby estate starting revving!
