Sunday 5 December 2021

Sunday 5th December - Music of Eternity Day 6


Your Kingdom Come

Oh yes please - in the light of the news this week, we so need the 'Kingdom of God' to prevail, and not the 'Messy Muddle of Humankind'.

But wait - what is this Kingdom that we are asking for?

Well, it is like this, or like that. Or, here's another example...

We don't know. We can't know, because we don't have the vocabulary. I've got a basic school-leaver's knowledge of French - at least, what I remember from mumble mumble years ago, but not enough to teach music, or describe how to make pastry, or explain my views on Brexit  - I could express my opinion in French, but not explain it. Far less could I discuss 'the Kingdom of God'.

I remember the scene in C S Lewis 'The Silver Chair', where Eustace and Jill are Puddle-glum, and - what was the dwarf's name? - were trying to explain what the sun is to the Witch holding them and Prince Caspian prisoner in the underworld. Every description was mocked and ridiculed, because they could only say 'it is like warmth from the fire, only steadier and stronger' or 'like the lantern, but better and brighter'.

So we can't make the Kingdom happen on Earth by our own efforts; but  we can trust God to know the best way to bring it about. (Hint; pray, listen to God, read the suggestions and commands in the Bible!)



  1. The 'messy muddle of humankind' expresses our world so well.

  2. Yes, it could be so overwhelming if I spent too long thinking about it all

  3. So very true!!! I remember quoting Puddleglum for one of my very first Pauses for Advent so many years back now from the same scene. Still very pertinent. CS Lewis is so very clear in his theology.
