Monday, 18 July 2022

Monday 18th July - There's some truth...


in the song 'Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun', although the lyrics are showing their age.

We are just moving from one cool place to the next, according to where the sun and shade and breeze have reached.

Pictures of Brighton Beach appall me - I can't think of anywhere worse to go to on purpose!

Unbelievably, our neighbour several doors along the road has been out in the sun all morning and half the afternoon ripping up the roof on his garage and breaking it into smaller pieces. I do hope it isn't an asbestos roof. He was wearing a mask, but only an ordinary every day one. He's older than retirement age too.  

We have placed two emergency cat litter trays a short distance from the house, so that they don't burn their paws on the hot brick path. Even the grass is too hot for bare feet. I know, I tried.

One of the cats has found a tray; this wasn't actually why we put it out for them...



  1. I hope your current heatwave ends soon. Janet in coolish Seattle

  2. The people out in the sun are mad! I was getting the train home from school and one of my Year 6 pupils got the same train as me as he was going to beach near me. I would have LOVED a swim but there was no way I was risking it in such heat!

    1. Lying on a beach is not for me; we always used to build great civil engineering schemes when we were young!
