Friday 16 December 2022

Advent Cowl 2022 - Friday 16th December

 And another five days further on!

Remember to read the chart from bottom to top and right to left.

This completes the motif and adds a row of plain.









Round 23

16th Dec









Round 22

 Here's the full chart from the beginning up to today;









Round 23

16th Dec









Round 22









Round 21

15th Dec









Round 20









Round 19

14th Dec









Round 18









Round 17

13th Dec









Round 16









Round 15

12th Dec









Round 14









Round 13

9th Dec









Round 12









Round 11

8th Dec









Round 10









Round 9

7th Dec









Round 8









Round 7

6th Dec









Round 6









Round 5

5th Dec

Change to 5mm needle; (K11, Ktfbl) 8 times; 104 stitches   

Round 4

Knit one round in k1 P1 rib

Round 3

2nd Dec

Check again for twists, and place beginning of round marker. Knit round in K1 P1 rib

Round 2

Join in round without twisting stitches and knit one round in k1 p1 single rib

Round 1

1st Dec

and a picture of my cowl at this stage;

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