Friday 16 December 2022

Friday 16th December - energy slump

I'm supposed to be joining our book club zoom tonight; it's a 'mixed meeting' in the sense that some meet together as we all used to, each bringing a plate of something halfway between party food and supper food. We would graze on a mixture of bread and unusual cheeses, olives, marinated prawns, sliced cold meats, salads and savoury snacks, followed by a mix of fruit and dessert. Luckily we all have reasonably robust digestions.

Now we are a mix of face2face and zoom members. This is a curious situation; the conversational conventions for zoom and in person mmeetings are very different. Also, we zoomers can hear, but not see all of the face2facers. We watch, it's a bit like watching a TV programme,  and listen, and a disembodied hand will appear passing a plate of quiche or bowl of salad. There will be a conversation round the table, and a conversation using chat between the zoomers, commenting on the 'programme' that we are 'watching'. 

Later, when the food has been consumed (we zoomers have usually got a drink - wine, sherry, tea, water - and some kind of snack - crisps, cake, biscuits - too.

Tonight the book club is discussing 'The Elegance of the Hedgehog' by Muriel Barbery and then deciding between 'Slow Horses', 'The Twyford Chronicles', 'Outliers', and 'The Nickel Boys', if I have remembered correctly.  I've said my prefernce is for any except 'The Nickel Boys' which sounds a bit of a tough read.

I'm not joining in; the events of December have caught up with me, ending with with that slippery descent at the beginning of the week

(Not surprised that Tuesday was a day of doing nothing! I'm improving day by day)

And the usual end-of-term energy slump has landed. I shall be asleep in bed before they start on dessert.

However we have created a decent looking stack of mostly Christmas presents and stuff to take to our halfway meeting point with our children tomorrow.


  1. Safe journey on the Present Run

    1. Thank you. Still below freezing here, won't be sitting outside for second breakfast today!

  2. I hope you have a safe journey! Sorry to hear you had a fall!

  3. Ah.... I do try not to say 'I had a fall' because it makes me feel SO old.... But as my first pension payment arrived yesterday maybe it's time I accepted that thes days I AM a bit old(-ish!!!)
