Monday 26 December 2022

Boxing Day 2022 - A Day of Peace and Quiet

Well, at least so far. It's 5pm. Himself went out for an hour in the afternoon and came back just as the temperature started to drop, making his ears tingle. It's nothing like the cold that our Canadian friends have been experiencing, thank heavens.

There was a cold, calm sunset; the sky clear on the Eastern horizon and the bare branches of the trees looking as though they had been drawn in black ink.

I've closed the curtains and lit the candles. 

I'd put the gas fire on low, but as it is over 30 years old and we haven't used it for maybe 10 years I think that might be unwise!

It's been a knitting Christmas. I started this cable sample scarf earlier in December but haven't added to it recently when I wanted to try and learn how to knit cable patterns.

When we got home from taking McCavity the cat on Christmas Eve, I felt too restless and distracted to settle to anything complicated.  We cleared away her feeding bowls etc, and then I just took needles and yarn and cast on 100 stitches and started knitting round and round and round and round...

Finally,  I was pleased to get these bendy double pointed needles which were on my Christmas Wishlist. These socks have been on-going since the beginning of 2022 and the bendy needles do make it easier.

This is the second version of the second sock. When (I won't allow the word 'if' to flit across my mind) I finish it, using my new super needles, I will go back and redo the first sock in the light of what I have learned from persevering with this one.

I mentioned (did I mention it? I'm sure I must have done?) I've got a new phone? It has a diddy little stylus so I have been able to create this post, tapping away one letter at a time without too much hassle. 

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