Wednesday 28 December 2022

Wednesday 28th December - Smoothies and Salads

 I'm  making good use of two of the Christmas Presents.

Today I made my first ever smoothie in my new smoothie maker. Ta-da!

Following the instructions I used 80g of frozen mixed berry smoothie mix, whizzed up with 150ml water instead of the recommended apple juice. It came out very thick and very cold. This was easily fixed by adding hot water from the kettle. I think I will also add a teaspoon of honey next time just to sweeten it a little. 

The other present was a wicker basket of salads from my brother. 

'What do you want for Christmas?' he asked at the beginning of Christmas week. I remembered that we had forgotten to add salads to the supermarket order, so that's what I asked for.  I knew he would look out some interesting items, and sure enough there were a couple of heads of radicchio, some heritage tomatoes, ENORMOUS scallions, a selection of bright shiny peppers, lettuces, limes and a bottle of wine. Hooray!

So we have been having salads with our meal. Yesterday it was radicchio, tangerine segments and walnuts, today mixed green leaves. 

Seems a good way to improve my consumption of fresh fruit and salad.


  1. A basket of salad is a fabulous gift.

  2. I'm definitely going to do this for other people in the future. It looked wonderful and has given us a lot of pleasure.
