Friday 10 February 2023

Friday 10th February - Ang's postcard

Of course, if you've been reading Ang's blog you will know all about this already. Here's my post;

Once again we started with the address but I stopped there. I added the Ukrainian stamp in a later month. Later I sewed the date of the Queen's death, in September, with the ciphers for her and King Charles. Ang added the postmark right at the end of the project. 

So starting at the top left; 

Ang made the cross stitch vegetable row, and also recorded the date of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's return to England. 

The clock is one of mine, using a piece of braid from Ang as the face. The hands are set to 8pm; this was the time of the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year, and there was an international  movement for people to take a minute at 8pm, local tine, to pray for peace. 

Ang stitched the sunflower and the Ukrainian flag, and also the blue emblem for the World Day of Prayer, held every where on the first Friday in March. She has also recorded the birth of the latest grandson.

Next row; I sewed a favourite scene looking across the valley from the lavender walk at Standen.

Ang added one of the felt birds she made for her garage sale in the autumn.  She also sent one to me!

The Postcard Project label and our signatures is under the bird, stitched by Ang.

 I did the tree for December; I was late, and added the Epiphany blessing below.

Ang did a sample of Japanese boro stitching, and I sewed an autumn leaf pile.

Bottom row; my first contribution to the project was a labyrinth, and one of my summer efforts was the teatray. When it was so hot I would take a tray to the coolest part of the garden in the shade of the apple tree.

Ang created a picture of her bicycle using Dorset buttons which she made for the wheels. And that's her picture of her washing line. I did laugh when that arrived one month!

There you have it, the complete postcards.

I find it extraordinary that Ang and I have never met, not even spoken on the phone; it has been quite an old-fashioned pen-pal style collaboration, but using text, email, whatsapp and even letters, included in the mailings. Yet we have grown from a tentative start into a warm friendship with a surprising amount in common in our lives.  

I hope you have enjoyed watching our progress.  Pictues gor the first month of our Cross Country Collaboration should be appearing in a few weeks; only 18 more stitching days to the end of the month...


  1. Sitting here in Manchester and my stitching is still. In Norfolk. So that's 4 "stitching days" I shall miss!

  2. I expect you are a quicker stitcher than I am. And I am still working out one section of my chart.

  3. I think the whole thing has been wonderful! I love that your friendship has grown through it and the final products are a triumph!

    1. Thank you. I still think back on it all with a sense of wonder and disbelief
