Thursday 9 February 2023

Thursday 9th February - my postcard

Ang is two doing complete blog posts of the Postcard project over at Tracing Rainbows today and tomorrow; hers today and mine tomorrow. It seems a bit of a cop-out for me to leave it all to her, so here I go;

This one is mine to keep. Ang has plans to frame hers; I'm not decided yet. We started with an abbreviated form of our name and address. Ang added the stamp at the same time but I delayed mine for a month or so. That does mean mine has one fewer picture.

Top left, the kitten is mine, one of my early efforts. The tree, also mine, came much later. I was trying out blackwork patterns for the leaves. The Delft tiles, again mine, were inspired by a tiles alcove in the gardens of Standen, a National Trust property I visited several times in the Summer. Next row, still mine (you'll be wondering if Ang did any of the embroideries in a minute) is a sort of celtic pattern I took from a Gail Lawther book. Then my last embroidery, the music, which is a couple of lines from a folks song I learned way back in 1977 when I became interested in folksongs at university. 

Hurrah, here's Ang's stitchery at last! Her Ang's Epiphany cross stitch on 16 count Aida, such teeny tiny stitching, of the three wise men.

Next, my first cross stitch picture (14 count) since I was sewing on binka fabric in the infant class. I did it in November, inspired by Ang blogging about coffee and walnut cake at the beginning of the month. I suddenly wanted one, so made 2, one to eat, and one as an embroidery. 

The pictures in the bottom row are all Ang's; you'll have to zoom in to pick out the details of the patchwork memory bear. Ang added this while she was busy making real memory bears. These are bears made for friends and family where someone close died; she cuts the pieces from favourite shirts to make a Teddy bear. Lovely. Next, a little bit of knitting including tiny needles; this was for Autumn. The cross, palm leaves and risen sun were for Easter,  and the terracotta tile is a copy of oneshe was given as a present.

I stitched the 'label' down the centre seam, and we both signed it. Ang commemorated the death of the Queen and accession of King Charles.

Her final addition was the postmark.

There you have it! 

I will blog her postcard tomorrow (which she posted today)


  1. Your descriptions are much fuller than mine!

  2. I like your descriptions! I did notice that one of them seemed to have less of you on than hers which I was perplexed by (on Ang's post)- now I know!

  3. Yes, I added the postmark as a hasty attempt to even things up, but Ang thought it was such fun that she stitched one too!
