Wednesday 8 February 2023

Knitty Gritty - Mitred Square Blanket - something to knit in Lent

 I have made two of these blankets now. One was a trial run to make a cat blanket, using scrap yarn that I found when clearing my Godmother's house back at the beginning of 2020. The other is draped across my knees as I am typing!

This post from January 2021 shows the results.

You can find the tutorial, pictures, instructions and tips on Louise Tilbrook's blog here. I'm knitting a third one, using slightly thicker double knitting yarn cakes. I like the slightly confusing way it changes the appearance of the squares when a new colour starts part way. 

The other blankets I made used solid colours, so I was more able to control the pattern and placement of colours.

Following Louise Tilbrook's instructions, and using the DK acrylic yarn and 4.5 mm needles, I cast on 20 stitches, placed a marker and cast on another twenty. Then startedknitt knitting. 

I'm modifying the original version in a couple of ways because I want this to be 'mindless' knitting;

I am making no attempt to ensue that all the diagonal lines created by the decreases go in the same direction.

Instead of decreasing either side of the marker on right side rows, and not decreasing on odd side rows, I do every row the same; knit t the marker, slip marker, k2tog, knit to the end. Because, mindless.

Some of my squares begin with 40 stitches each side of the marker, ie 4 times the size. Becasse, wy not? It all adds to the randomness. 

The size of your squares will depend on the yarn and needles and number of stitches. It is up to you. 

I find I can complete a 20 by 20 stitch square in about 15 minutes, and a 40 x 40 square takes, unsurprisingly, closer to an hour, or four day's worth of knitting.

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