Sunday 26 February 2023

Sunday 26th February - day of rest?

It doesn't feel restful though; there's the livestream of the Sunday service at 10.30  to start with. I knitted quite a lot of my second sock through this. I don't know if I will be able to sit through a church service without my knitting when I start going back.

Then, at 12 there's the zoom equivalent of meeting in the church hall for coffee the after the service. It has been a bit of a game changer for us 'chuch-at-home' people. The host has usually been to the early service, but there are several people who regularly drop in; one has long covid, another has very restricted mobility and is cared for in a nursing home, others are isolating, so what with one thing and another there are around a dozen of us who follow the service on the livestream and half a dozen regulars for the 12 chat afterwards.

Later, at 5pm, there is a fortnightly family zoom, set up by my cousin. Regulars are me and my brother, my father, his brother and cousins in Florida.

In between,  ah well,that's where the 'rest' happens...


Second sock

I've knitted about three of the seven inches yesterday and today until I need to add the marker for the heel. 

I weighed the first sock - 29g - and the remaining yarn - 30g - before I started the second sock. Then, I weighed the remaining yarn again after I had completed the toe and was ready to start the instep - 27.5g. 

This means that I will definitely knit the heels in a contrasting colour!



I finished 'The Lost Notebook' by Louise Douglas. It's a sort of gentle thriller, set in Brittany.  I chose it as much for the title and setting and price as for any other reason and it was - gently thrilling.... I might try her other books.

Now I am rereading John Buchan's 'Island of Sheep'. I can't remember it at all although I know I have read all the Richrd Hannay books several time. They are very dated, and even back in 1970 when we read 'The Three Hostages' some of the language was considered problematic. They are 'rattling good yarns' and I wonder if they will get the Roald Dahl treatment in due course?


  1. I really must read all the other Richard Hannay books (which I have in one large volume). Both CBC and I thoroughly enjoyed the 39 steps!

  2. They are definitely 'of their day'... the language is very old fashioned colonial for today's world.
