Monday 12 June 2023

Monday 12th June - Reboot!

 After nearly three weeks feeling stuck in the doldrums I am now ready to launch back into action.

Today I have Done Stuff;

Changed the pillowcases, and hopefully the sheet ntonihht. I have ripped it (not literally!) off the mattress,  as a statement of intent, so tonight we will have to finish the task.

I have just about untangled the unholy mess that is my record keeping of who paid me how much for what and when; when piano students pay half-termly or in blocks of eight lessons (eight? Why eight? That's neither a half term nor a whole term? Madness) or a sort of guesstimate of how many lessons they think they can fit in, or after each single lesson, it doesn't take long to lose track. Especially if they then miss a lesson, when I credit or reschedule. 

Chest infection induced brain fog just made everything- well, foggier. 

I have planted two erigerons into bigger pots, added strings and supports to sweet peas, sown six lettuce seeds into individual pots to go in the window box of shed, and also a tray of radishes. Why are they called French Breakfast radishes, and do the French really eat radishes with their coffee and croissants for breakfast? 

I have charted the current cross stitch 3 times, and, once I have erased the current version,  will chart it again tomorrow. 

And I have taught a piano lesson to a teenager. One of those lessons where I explain how to play it smoothly, they pay no attention and carry on regardless for a while, all the time ignoring my cries to desist, before stopping and in an aggrieved tone of voice demanding to know how to make it sound smooth. 

The lesson was over zoom, and I am not, and never have been a 'knuckle-rapper' teacher so all ended well. Eventually. 

Summer Supper; (we had this on Saturday)

 Fresh capelleti or ravioli or similar, the sort that comes packed in clear pl*st*c with a nice long date (sorry, ecofolks)

Sauce (more of a dressing, really); walnut sized piece of butter, lemon zest and juice to taste, finely chopped spring onions and parsley, suitable greenery like fresh spinach or pea shoots or whatever, roughly chopped if necessary.

Grated parmesan and black pepper

Gather up and prep the sauce ingredients first. Cook the pasta according to the packet. Ordinary pasta is OK but I like capelleti.

Drain the pasta, return to the pan and stir in the sauce. Serve with parmesan and pepper. Pine nuts might be good too, or perhaps chopped walnuts. 


  1. I had to look up erigerons, I'd never heard of them. I thought it might be an anagram (Rogerines, Inger Rose, Iron Serge, Green Soir...) But it turns out they are those pretty daisy like flowers! I started my cross stitch but had to stop as I was tired and I was so hot.

  2. The erigerons have a special place in my heart. I always think of them as Cornish daisies as they grow wild in the walls all around where we used to spend summers with my parents

  3. I too have been in the doldrums. I've been stressed over a patio, getting a reliable builder to lay it has been hell and many sleepless nights. No sleep means dozy days and nothing gets done. Even cleaning has been a real effort, but we have a builder at last! And yesterday you'd have loved the garden we saw, frothy clumps of Erigeron everywhere, so, so pretty. I'm going to sow their seeds every where in my garden for next year.

  4. 'Action is the antidote to apathy'!
