Tuesday 13 June 2023

Tuesday 13th June - sooner or later

this human dynamo (meaning the New Me) will wind down and need a recharge...

Still, I've managed to deal with a couple of jobs that have been completely beyond my powers for a couple of weeks; 

Hoovering downstairs has been an impossibility but at last I got it done. 

Likewise cleaning the loo... it wasn't desperately 'unsavoury' but...

And I have completely changed the cross-stitch design, charted it, re-charted it, started stitching, and then said 'aaargh' (o something like that), ripped out what I had done, and re-charted it. So still nothing on the fabric, but threads chosen and this is absolutely probably the final version.

Oddly enough, I'm still looking forward to doing some tomorrow. 

One sweet pea flower has come out. I suppose I should pick it, to encourage more flowers, but suppose there aren't any more? I'll leave it alone for now.


  1. My sweet pea plant has stems and leaves but no sign of flowers.
    We've just had a long discussion about the stitching I did this evening and concluded that I do need to unpick one section and do it again. But my advisor has counselled me to LEAVE IT ALONE TILL TOMORROW. This is wise advice . 11pm is far too late to attempt any sort of corrections.
    I have not hoovered for a fortnight.

    1. Stitching has begun, but would you believe there were still issues to solve as I went along!!!!
